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A Helping Hand Goes a Long Way

Jackson’s Story Simply being a teenager isn’t always easy. But being a teenager that’s moving to a new country with only your mother while suffering from various undiagnosed medical challenges?..

young boy smiling

MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership

By Joellen Spacek, Senior Director Mentoring Partnership Network Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in..

united way volunteer and child smiling

It Was Like Christmas Morning

Derek shares his story from Project Homeless Connect As a Project Homeless Connect volunteer, Derek was originally assigned to the cleanup crew, so there wouldn’t be much to do until..

united way project homeless connect volunteers

Project Homeless Connect: Thank You

Thanks to the efforts of 304 dedicated volunteers, we were able to serve 357 individuals experiencing homelessness with over two dozen life changing services on October 19. In what The Washington..

barbers cutting homeless people hair

Coworkers Spend the Day Giving Back

Last month, 18 employees from Regency Centers volunteered their time at Shelter House in Fairfax County, VA. We asked about their experience. “It was a great day!” said Regional Property Manager Thomas..

two men walking down stairs

Donate a Photo to United Way NCA

United Way NCA is partnering with our friends at Johnson & Johnson on the Donate a Photo campaign, a free app that enables you to change lives in our community just by..

two women hugging and smiling

International Literacy Day

September 8 is International Literacy Day, a time to celebrate the importance of reading in our lives and reflect on the importance of helping children learn this important skill. Today..

teacher helping student in classroom
