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What is Intersectionality Theory? Definition & Examples

Intersectionality is a critical concept that recognizes how individuals hold multiple identities and face unique challenges at the intersections of those identities. Understanding intersectionality is a cornerstone in fostering inclusivity..


What is Foster Care and How Does it Work?

In the United States, not every child can live in a household with their biological parents or guardians. Instead, sometimes children may need to be placed in foster care, an..

adult hands and a child's hands holding a figure of a family

Comprehensive Guide to Planned Giving

Planned giving is an incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the causes you care about – not just today, but for generations to come. It allows you to..

an older woman holding the hands of her husband while discussing planned giving

A Guide to Employee Volunteer Programs

Looking for a way to improve your organization’s culture and make a difference in your community? A great way to do both is to implement an employee volunteer program where..

Volunteers packing kits

What to Do if You Need Stable Housing Now

In times of crisis, stable housing is a fundamental need. For individuals navigating emergency housing options, access to reliable information and resources can be a beacon of hope. This guide..

brother and sister under blanket

ALICE Lives Here

As we go about our day and look to the months ahead, we ask our friends and neighbors to imagine for a moment what life would be like if you..
