It Was Like Christmas Morning

Nov 15, 2016

by United Way NCA

Derek shares his story from Project Homeless Connect

As a Project Homeless Connect volunteer, Derek was originally assigned to the cleanup crew, so there wouldn’t be much to do until after the event. In the meantime, he decided to fill in at the clothing station, giving away socks, underwear, shoes, blankets and winter coats.

That afternoon, three young mothers visited the table in need of every kind of item offered, for both themselves and their children.

One of the mothers expressed to Derek that it was like Christmas morning, and then all three told him how his warmth and smile gave them the best experience of the whole day. Derek’s station was their favorite part of the event. They started crying, gave him a hug and thanked him again, not just for the clothes but for his kindness. Derek cried with them, tears for their thanks and being able to give them a good day.

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