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Family Volunteering: Benefits & How to Get Involved
What Is Family Volunteering? Family volunteering is a type of all-ages group volunteering that can include any type of family members and relationships. Whether it’s parents, grandparents, cousins and /..

Addressing Spatial Inequality
The zip code where you’re born can significantly influence the trajectory of your life. The resources and opportunities available within arm’s reach can set the stage for either prosperity or..

Zenani Russell’s Story – From Struggle to Stability
In the midst of financial strain, increased costs of living and the undeniable challenge of being a single mother, Zenani Russell found herself struggling to meet the overwhelming demands of..

WBJ 2023 CEO of the Year Honorees: Rosie Allen-Herring Awarded DEI Champion
Rosie Allen-Herring (President and CEO of United Way of the National Capital Area) was recently awarded as DEI Champion for the WBJ 2023 CEO of the Year. Find out more..

Resilience in the Face of Adversity – Meet Kavonnie Hines
“It’s like it has to get worse before it possibly gets better.”- Kavonnie Hines When we think of the holidays, many of us are gift shopping for our friends..

Thrive United 365 and Sentara Address Healthcare Access In Northern Virginia
While many of us have access to the resources we need to take better care of ourselves, for others in our region, that’s just not the case. Better health means..

Samira’s Story – United Way NCA Helps Bridge the Digital Divide
Imagine being a student in today’s digital world with no access to a laptop or desktop computer to complete your homework assignments. Imagine having to do everything on your phone…

The Childcare Cost Burden for Low-Income Households Around the U.S.
The escalating expenses of childcare across the United States have emerged as an increasingly critical issue, surpassing even college tuition in certain regions. As daycare costs continue to soar, the..