Thrive United 365 and Sentara Address Healthcare Access In Northern Virginia
Nov 01, 2023
While many of us have access to the resources we need to take better care of ourselves, for others in our region, that’s just not the case. Better health means a better life. That’s why United Way of the National Capital Area is improving health access and resources in our communities to reach equity for all, especially for the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population. ALICE represents nearly 500,000 low- and moderate-income households in our region that earn more than the Federal Poverty Level ($26,500 annually for a family of four) but less than the basic cost of living for the county/state in which they live. For these residents, access to critical healthcare resources is often limited or too costly.
Our Thrive United 365 program works to bridge that gap by providing access to and distribution of health resources while addressing the health conditions affecting our communities.
To reach more people in the National Capital Area, we’ve partnered with Sentara Healthcare and faith-based organizations to expand our Thrive United 365 program in Northern Virginia to include Woodbridge and Prince William County. The program will provide ALICE households and others in need access to health education, health screenings, and links to health resources such as primary, secondary, and tertiary preventative care.
Sentara’s investment into Thrive United 365 will work to address the social determinants of health among vulnerable communities by providing holistic, place-based, care through trusted community partners. Place-based screening programs will be hosted quarterly, bringing a variety of providers to a convenient and commonly visited community location to provide screenings and preventative care services for chronic conditions most impacting the residents. Service provider referrals will include direct health services, or other essential needs to navigate their situations such as connecting food security programs, financial empowerment programs, or housing support.
We are excited to partner with Sentara Healthcare and our faith-based organizations to bring these resources to Prince William County to further close the gap in health equity for ALICE members in Northern Virginia.
Learn more about ALICE and how you can partner with us to make the National Capital Area a more equitable place for everyone. When none are ignored, all will thrive.™