Community Resources in DC and the National Capital Area | United Way NCA

Jun 03, 2022

by Holly Martinez

Washington, DC Community Resources


Throughout Washington, DC and the surrounding communities in the National Capital Area, there are several organizations and programs offering much-needed resources that support the health, education, economic opportunity and overall well-being of community members. We’ve gathered a list of specific programs and services available to National Capital Area residents. Learn more about how to access the tools you and others may need today or in the future.

Food & Basic Needs Resources

United Way’s 2-1-1

2-1-1 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline number that connects callers to essential health and human services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every day calls are received from individuals and families in search of food and other basic needs. United Way of the National Capital Area refers these callers to 2-1-1 in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

Bread for the City

Bread for the City helps Washington, DC residents living with low income by providing food, clothing, medical care and legal and social services to reduce the burden of poverty. Visit for more information.

DC Central Kitchen

A nonprofit and social enterprise combating hunger and poverty through job training and job creation, DC Central Kitchen provides hands-on culinary job training for individuals facing high barriers to employment while creating living-wage jobs and bringing nutritious, dignified food where it is most needed. Learn more at

Capital Area Food Bank

A leader in food access throughout DC, Capital Area Food Bank provides equitable access to food and opportunity to those struggling with hunger. For more details on how to access food through Capital Area Food Bank, visit


So Others Might Eat (S.O.M.E.) provides material aid and comfort to DC residents, helping them break the cycle of poverty and homelessness through services that transform lives and provide basic needs like food. Visit for more details.

Housing Resources

United Way’s 2-1-1

2-1-1 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline number that connects callers to essential health and human services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every day calls are received from individuals and families in search of rental assistance. United Way NCA refers these callers to 2-1-1 in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

House of Ruth

House of Ruth empowers women, children and families to rebuild their lives and heal from trauma, abuse and homelessness. Services encompass enriched housing for families and single women, trauma-informed daycare for children and free counseling to empower anyone, regardless of gender, who is a survivor of trauma and abuse. Find more about the programs at

DC’s Department of Human Services

DC’s local government provides myriad homeless and homeless-prevention services for families, including short-term family housing, eviction prevention and rental assistance, and housing programs, such as transitional housing, rapid rehousing, target affordable housing and permanent supportive housing. Learn more at

Community of Hope

Community of Hope’s housing programs aim to end homelessness for families in Washington, DC. Resources include homelessness prevention, temporary housing, rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing. Go to for more information.


So Others Might Eat also provides housing for those in need, including family housing, single-adult housing and senior housing. S.O.M.E.’s programs aim to make affordable housing more accessible to improve the economic status of residents, revitalize neighborhoods and stabilize community members’ lives. Learn more at

Health & Wellness Services

United Way NCA’s Thrive United 365

The mission of Thrive United 365 is to provide equitable access to and distribution of health resources and improve people’s lives by addressing health conditions most affecting our communities. To achieve this mission, we leverage trust and relationships in the community to create health-resource access points with the lowest barriers possible. Currently, United Way NCA’s Thrive United 365 work focuses on COVID-19 response and will expand to include chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. and see a list of upcoming free COVID-19 vaccination and testing events being held by United Way NCA and our partners.

DC’s Department of Health

DC’s Department of Health is a hub of information, providing everything from vital records and information on local health professionals to listing out COVID-19 resource centers throughout the District. See it all at

Family and Medical Counseling Service, Inc.

Offering a wide range of patient services, Family and Medical Counseling Service provides primary medical care, pediatrics/adolescent medicine, HIV and STD treatment, case management, therapy, needle exchange services and more. See all services at

La Clínica Del Pueblo

La Clínica del Pueblo has been addressing the distinct health needs of our community through comprehensive primary medical care with wraparound services across the life spectrum; mental health and substance use treatment; medical interpretation and language access advocacy; community health, including health education and safe spaces; and advocacy strategies to increase inclusion and health equity for Latino immigrants. Learn more at

Mary’s Center

Mary’s Center is a community health center serving nearly 60,000 people of all ages, incomes and backgrounds in the Washington, DC metro area for over 30 years. With an integrated model of health care, education and social services, Mary’s Center offers each participant individualized care on the path toward good health, stability and economic independence. See all of Mary’s Center’s offerings for community members at

Metro Health

Metro Health is a community health center in DC providing families with health care services related to hypertension, diabetes, obesity and HIV to help decrease disparities in the health care system. Find out more about services offered at

Community of Hope

Community of Hope’s health care centers provide quality care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Their locations include a primary care facility and health resource center, a family health and birth center, and more. Find all the details at


Truly an all-encompassing organization, So Others Might Eat also provides health care services to community members. S.O.M.E. offers a medical clinic and a dental clinic, providing a full range of services to adults experiencing homelessness or poverty. The organization’s clinics offer walk-in hours every weekday and accept patients regardless of their ability to pay. Go to for more.

Family & Child Resources

Developing Families Center

In a collaborative model, Developing Families Center (DFC) links the community to partner organizations that support family-centered women’s and children’s health, childcare services, family resources, maternal programs, confidential counseling and adult education. Learn more at

House of Ruth

For survivors of domestic violence, House of Ruth offers a safe haven and resources, including homes for women and families, a counseling center and a childcare center. Find out more at

Planned Parenthood

With health centers across the National Capital Area, Planned Parenthood provides comprehensive, medically accurate care for patients surrounding family health. Services offered include birth control, emergency contraception, cancer screenings, HPV vaccines, pregnancy testing, counseling and more. Head to for more information.

Healthy Babies Project

Healthy Babies Project, Inc. connects high-risk, underserved pregnant DC women and families to health care, social services and educational opportunities. Services include health screenings, pregnancy testing, emergency services, mental health screenings and much more. Head to to find out more about the services offered.

Job & Education Services

Latin American Youth Center

LAYC’s job readiness programs focus on the work skills and living wage needs of low-income, multicultural youth who are not in school or employed. The programs provide critical opportunities to develop job skills, get job training and certifications, and access internship and employment opportunities. LAYC offers job-readiness programs at all of its sites, and most programs are self-paced with some offering advanced GED education. Learn more at

Junior Achievement of Greater Washington

The JA Company Program is an immersive entrepreneurship experience. The dynamic curriculum, hands-on experiences and authentic business community engagement help high school students develop the skills, mindset, relationships and core competencies to take control of their futures. Learn more at

Samaritan Ministry

Samaritan Ministry’s STRIVE Job Readiness Classes is a part of the organization’s Next Step program, created to overcome multiple barriers to employment, including incarceration, addiction or disconnection from family. The program includes pre-GED classes and work attire and other clothing that are available to community members in need. Find out more details at

Potomac Job Corps Center

Job Corps is a tuition-free training and education program that connects eligible young men and women with the skills and educational opportunities they need to establish their careers. See all the details at

So Others Might Eat

The S.O.M.E. Center for Employment Training is a tuition-free adult workforce training program that prepares adult learners for national, industry-recognized certifications for careers in healthcare and building trades. See details at

Financial Resources

United Way NCA Financial Empowerment Centers

United Way of the National Capital Area’s five Financial Empowerment Centers across the DC region provide services to help individuals and families advance on a path toward economic opportunity by offering high-quality financial services and guidance in a welcoming, professional environment at no cost. Services include budgeting workshops, small business coaching, free tax preparation and much more. Find your local FEC at


The mission of United Way NCA’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program is to provide free tax help to low- and moderate-income individuals and families, persons with disabilities and limited-English-speaking taxpayers in Washington, DC and neighboring counties in Maryland and Virginia who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. Find out more about VITA and see if you qualify for assistance here.

Rental Assistance

As the United States continues to recover from the devastating impact of the pandemic, millions of our neighbors and families face deep rental debt, evictions and the loss of basic housing security. COVID-19 has only exacerbated the affordable housing crisis that existed prior to the pandemic. To meet this critical need, United Way NCA works to connect our community members to the appropriate rental assistance program that can support those who are unable to pay rent or utilities. See resources here.

Help with Paying Bills

If debt collector calls and a mailbox full of inquiries have become your norm, you don’t have to go through life avoiding your financial problems. There are resources that can help pay bills and get you back on your feet. United Way’s 2-1-1 program can refer you to receive assistance with bills to help you cover the basics everyone deserves. If you need immediate help paying bills, learn what United Way NCA and other organizations can provide financial assistance with here.

Utility Assistance Programs

If you or someone you know struggles to pay for utilities in Washington, DC, there are programs in place to help. Here’s how to get financial assistance for utility bills.

For more resources, and to learn more about what United Way NCA offers to community members in need, visit When none are ignored, all will thrive.

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