United Way Of The National Capital Area Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Through Day Of Service
Jan 12, 2023
MLK Day Serves As An Opportunity for Community Members to Renew Their Commitment To Creating Equity In Health, Education and Economic Opportunity For All
WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 12, 2023) – On Monday, January 16, United Way of the National Capital Area (United Way NCA) will honor MLK Day through a day of service for its community and corporate volunteers.
“As the region’s convener, collaborator, and catalyst, United Way NCA’s goal is to create a more equitable society where everyone in our community has fair and equal access to health, education and economic opportunity,” said Rosie Allen-Herring, President and CEO, United Way of the National Capital Area. “MLK Day is an opportunity to renew our commitment–as individuals, or community and corporate volunteers and partners–not just today, but throughout the year. We know that the issues of inequity in our systems for employment, education, health and food access, financial stability and opportunities for all to grow to the best of their abilities will only change if we continue to do the work.”
United Way NCA volunteers will support Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services in Prince George’s County with pantry restocking and painting the interior and lobby. In Montgomery County, United Way NCA volunteers will support an open house at Manna Food Center, which includes a food drive, mobile kitchen demonstrations, and a roundtable on childhood hunger.
“Your United Way NCA is grateful for its community and corporate members who are participating in this national day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to support the equity work we are doing throughout the DMV,” said Allen-Herring. “As a servant leader, MLK Day reminds me of my commitment to my community and my ability to gather with like-minded folks to mobilize and make bold strides as we achieve equity for all of our community members, regardless of race, gender, income and ability.“
For more information on year-round volunteer opportunities for United Way of the National Capital Area, please visit https://unitedwaynca.org/take-action/volunteer/.
About United Way of the National Capital Area
United Way of the National Capital Area works to improve the health, education and economic opportunity of every person in the National Capital community. United Way NCA has been improving lives by creating measurable impact in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, and Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties for more than 45 years. In 2020, United Way NCA was among 384 organizations across the United States to receive a generous transformational investment from novelist and venture philanthropist, MacKenzie Scott. For more information about United Way of the National Capital Area, visit UnitedWayNCA.org.