File Your Taxes for Free by Yourself or With the Assistance of MyFreeTaxes Experts
What is MyFreeTaxes?
MyFreeTaxes, brought to community members by United Way Worldwide, is a free service that helps people file their federal and state taxes and is available across the nation. The purpose of this initiative is to allow community members to file their taxes completely for free and get the tax assistance they need. For example, MyFreeTaxes connects community members with disabilities to the National Disability Institute for free tax filing.
Is It Safe?
Is the MyFreeTaxes service safe, secure and trustworthy? Yes! The MyFreeTaxes filing software is powered by TaxSlayer, which uses the highest industry standards to safeguard your information. United Way does not have access to any of your personal tax information.
Am I Eligible?
Anyone who needs to pay taxes is eligible to file through MyFreeTaxes. If you start at, click on the “File myself” option and use the referral link United Way provides you to access the TaxSlayer software. You will not be charged for the tax services as long as you use the referral link.
United Way NCA and Economic Opportunity
To find out more about how United Way of the National Capital Area is improving economic opportunity for all members of the Greater Washington, DC community and how you can get involved, click here.