Addiction, Homelessness

The Road Less Traveled: How One Man Persevered Through 25 Years of Addiction and Homelessness

“Traveling, to me, is like a life experience,” Lawrence Collins reflects on his 30-year career as a commercial trucker before a drug addiction eventually led him to four years on.....

Empowering the Youth with Goal Setting Through Running

  You might think that convincing a group of teenagers to wake up early on a Saturday morning to go running is an insurmountable task. However, for the jovial athletes.....

A Week into Being Homeless – Project Homeless Connect Gives New Hope to A Single, Working Mother

When Spring’s contract with a local water company abruptly ended, she couldn’t sustain herself and her son on a single stream of income. After trying to keep up with payments.....

Putting Absenteeism on Spin Cycle: How United Way NCA is Cleaning Up Dropout Rates With Free Laundry

Amongst the lulling whoosh of a turbulent washing machine, stood four Enterprise volunteers, a bushel of paint brushes in hand. This hidden nook, wrapped within the labyrinth of vibrant yellow and.....

How Robert Warren is Using Poetry to Write a New Future for His Community

Holed up in a small media center tucked away on H St in the Nation’s Capital, writer and poet Robert Warren fields question after question from other participants attending his.....

United for Impact Series: Sheila Somashekhar

For more than 40 years, United Way of the National Capital Area has worked diligently to change the lives of people and families in our local area. Nearly five years.....

United Way NCA’s ‘Young Philanthropists’ Donate 18 Amazon Kindles to Title 1 Students At Brookland Middle School

As Dylan unzipped a donated backpack from United Way NCA’s Young Philanthropists, he almost couldn’t believe his eyes. An Amazon Kindle, tucked inside the sleeve of his newly donated backpack, stopped.....

Keeping up the momentum to #CountDMVin

A  few weeks ago, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that effectively blocked the implementation of a proposed citizenship question on the 2020 Census. As census forms went to.....

IRA Giving Options

United Way of the National Capital Area offers many opportunities for leaving a lasting legacy with your philanthropy through planned giving and estate planning. As a new resource for you,.....

How United Way NCA is Uniting People Experiencing Homelessness & Critical Resources under the Same Roof

  A gym floor stretched with clothing racks, pyramids of bags stuffed to the brim with hygiene kits, food, and medical supplies, and sound of eager chatter is what met.....
