The partnership between United Way and its nonprofit partners can have powerful marketing and fundraising benefits for all of us.
By actively co-branding with United Way, your visible support, and the visible support of your board and staff members, will heighten the community’s awareness and positive perception of United Way NCA, and increase the power and reach of our network of local charities.
One of the requirements of being a nonprofit partner of United Way NCA is that your organization displays the “Proud Partner of United Way of the National Capital Area” logo (click here to download).
Please see below for the guidelines and resources to help you implement the co-branding policy.
Required Placement
The “Proud Partner” logo must be displayed on all of the following and be clearly visible:
On your organization’s website. At minimum the logo should appear on your homepage and should preferably appear in the visible area above the fold/scroll line. The logo must be linked to United Way NCA’s homepage.
On your organization’s brochures, annual report, printed newsletters and promotional materials. Logo should be placed on either the front or back cover, or both, of the piece and must be at minimum 1″ X 0.833″ (the aspect ratio should always be maintained).
On e-newsletters. For both email and Web based communications, the logo should appear on the in the upper area above the fold.
Local print advertisements. Logo should be at minimum .75″ wide (the aspect ratio should always be maintained).
Typically, the logo should be anchored in the right corner of the top or bottom of the piece. However, there are exceptions, such as with a Web page. Download the brand guidelines and logo placement guidelines for illustrations of proper placement.
Other Opportunities for Co-Branding
Business cards
Table tents
Event invitations
Note cards
E-mail signatures
PowerPoint templates
Social media sites
Other Opportunities to Promote our Partnership
Submit client success stories for use in United Way marketing
Submit Days of Caring volunteer projects
Provide trained agency torchlighters (people who have been helped by your agency) to speak on behalf of United Way during the campaign
Include a message in support of United Way in voicemails and hold recordings
Add “a proud partner of United Way” message to agency boilerplate
Include United Way boilerplate in media releases
Include United Way marketing messages in media releases
Feel free to send this page to Web programmers, graphic designers, etc. who may need the information contained on this page.