Donate a Photo to United Way NCA

Sep 30, 2016

by United Way NCA

United Way NCA is partnering with our friends at Johnson & Johnson on the Donate a Photo campaign, a free app that enables you to change lives in our community just by uploading a photo!

Through Donate a Photo, Johnson & Johnson* connects you to worthy causes that put more people on the path to success —in school, work and life.

With money raised through Donate a Photo, United Way NCA will work to ensure that every child graduates middle school and starts high school on the right path. Getting involved is easy. Johnson & Johnson will donate $1 to United Way NCA for each photo uploaded between now and December 10.

How to Donate a Photo:
Go to your phone’s app store and search “Donate a Photo” to download for iPhone and follow the easy in-app steps to set up an account and profile.
Choose United Way’s cause: “One photo helps a student succeed in school!”
Upload a photo (either from your camera or take a photo or selfie on the spot).
Share your photo to the Donate a Photo gallery. You can also share to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to inspire your family, friends to join you and donate a photo as well.
Use #16UWNCA to support United Way of the National Capital Area’s goal to prepare 12,000 middle school students to transition to high school performing at grade level and ready to succeed.

Downloading the app just takes a minute and uploading a photo just takes a second. So download the Donate a Photo app today and help us continue to empower kids to achieve a brighter future.

Johnson & Johnson has curated a list of trusted causes, and you can donate a photo to one cause, once a day. Each cause will appear in the app until it reaches its goal, or the donation period ends. If the goal isn’t reached, the cause will still get a minimum donation.

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