How To Promote Equity in Your Community | United Way NCA

Mar 17, 2022

by Holly Martinez

Learn how to promote and advance equity in your own community and get involved in empowering your local neighborhood through United Way social justice programs.


Advancing Equity in Communities

Creating change is never easy. But we know that it is necessary because many people in our communities still face discrimination and injustice, live in poverty, and do not have access to the most basic needs to thrive. Together, we can work together to achieve a healthier and more equitable community here in the National Capital Area.

How Can You Practice and Promote Equity in Your Community?

Your United Way of the National Capital Area (NCA) is on a mission to improve the health, education, and economic opportunity of every person in or community, regardless of race, gender, income, or ability. We are committed to reducing disparities and inequities in our region by mobilizing all sectors of the community — that includes you! — to create a more equitable future for all.

Now is your change to join the movement! Below you will find a variety of ways for how you can get involved in practicing and promoting equity in our community.

When none are ignored, all will thrive.


  1. Reflect on your own belief system!

What implicit biases do you hold? How can you dismantle them? How can you education yourself through books, media, diversity, and inclusion seminars, etc. to understand equity further?

  1. Take our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Vocabulary Quiz!

What’s the difference between equity and equality? How familiar are you with terms like BIPOC, gender nonconforming and cultural appropriation? You can find out by taking our vocabulary quiz to test your knowledge of DEI terms!

  1. Sign up for our 21 Day Race Equity Journey!

A 21-day newsletter series, this tool helps you learn more about unpacking how equity plays a role in determining outcomes of people through different stages of life depending on their intersections of race, gender, sexuality and/or socioeconomic standing. Sign up to get started!

  1. Help us power our community by supporting our 10th Annual Do More 24!

United Way NCA will host its 10th Annual Do More 24 on May 18, 2022, and our theme is #BetterUnited. We invite all to join us for the social movement that will bring together individuals and organizations committed to breaking down barriers to create a more equitable society where everyone in our community has fair and equal access to health, education, and economic opportunity. Join us on this movement!

  1. Volunteer with United Way NCA!

Reaching an equitable future for all community members necessitates action. And the best way we know how is to volunteer. Whether it’s for an hour, a day, once a week or once a month, you can create a tremendous impact on another person’s life. Read more about our volunteer opportunities.

  1. Raise your voice!

If you’re dedicated to establishing equity in our community, then we invite you to help us improve the health, education, and economic opportunity of every community member until we reach equity in the National Capital Area. Learn more about how you can advocate for the needs of our community.

  1. Grow deeper in your equity journey by becoming a United Way NCA Equity Advocate!

United Way NCA has launched an Equity Advocate badge that recognizes the holder’s commitment to improving the lives of individuals and families in their community. Earning the Equity Advocate badge is a way to learn about the importance of equity and support the United Way NCA’s efforts to advance equity in our region.

  1. Follow us on social media!

Stay up to date on all the ways you can further the equity work in the National Capital Area by giving us a follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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