Upcoming workshops at financial empowerment centers

Man at whiteboard


At the workshops offered at Financial Empowerment Center at South County, clients learn skills such as ways to decrease spending, setting financial goals, strategizing debt reduction, creating a personal spending budget and more. If you are interested in participating in an upcoming workshop, or to see the schedule of events, click here.

Dad with child on shoulders


Financial workshops at the Financial Empowerment Center in Prince George’s County are provided to address a variety of financial topics, such as money management, banking basics, rebuilding credit and much more. Workshops are presented on the Prince George’s Community College campus. See the full calendar and register for workshops here.

Happy father and daughter


The Financial Empowerment Center in Prince William County financial workshops to help individuals and families in Prince William County advance on a path toward financial stability. Services include financial coaching, small business coaching, financial workshops and free tax preparation. See the calendar of events and register here.

Mother daughter smiling


The Financial Empowerment Center in the District of Columbia provides one-on-one coaching, financial therapy and inclusion workshops, financial empowerment lab cohorts, housing and estate counseling, and entrepreneurship development. Click here to see upcoming workshops and to register for events.

Family Playing in Field


CAFE Montgomery MD engages community partners and volunteers in advocacy to promote policies that advance the financial well-being of all Montgomery County residents, especially the most vulnerable. The Coalition’s purpose is to promote and deliver high quality financial education to county residents of all ages, communities and ethnic groups.

Family cooking dinner

The FEC network’s database is powered by TD Bank.
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