United Way NCA George Floyd Anniversary Statement

May 25, 2021

May 25, 2021 Today, as we remember George Floyd, your United Way continues our focus on improving the health, education and economic opportunity for every member of this community. As we recover from the pandemics of racism and COVID-19, your United Way is also poised to collaborate with partners, organizations, foundations and individuals ready to work with us as we embark on the mission and hard work toward a path that will lead to equity, fairness and justice. We remain committed to ensuring that none in our community are ignored so that all may thrive.

About United Way of the National Capital Area

United Way of the National Capital Area improves the health, education and economic opportunity of every person in the National Capital Area community. United Way NCA has been improving lives by creating measurable impact in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, and Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties for more than 45 years. For more information about United Way of the National Capital Area, visit UnitedWayNCA.org.

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