Title: Test Event

Text: Etiam ullamcorper sed leo sit amet tempus. Vestibulum ac efficitur eros, at accumsan nibh. Suspendisse vitae massa et leo laoreet tristique. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi vulputate bibendum purus vitae semper. Proin ornare sagittis ex, eget rhoncus orci luctus vitae. Quisque molestie lobortis ante eget condimentum. Nullam ante magna, tincidunt eget imperdiet non, aliquam vitae libero. Mauris metus mi, fringilla a hendrerit vitae, volutpat nec odio.

Juneteenth Celebration

This event includes the Choose Healthy Life Town Hall, as well as a health fair that includes free COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, health screenings and more.

Juneteenth Celebration

This event includes a health fair with free COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, health screenings and more.
