In response to the devastating impact of COVID-19, your United Way was among the first in the region to launch its Emergency Assistance Fund to provide vital food, basic needs and other assistance to the thousands of individuals living and working in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia who are being impacted by the temporary loss of income, the need to self-quarantine, the obligation to care for people who have contracted the virus and school-age children who depend on their school’s meal program.
When our community needed us the most, WE WERE THERE for them.
BUT OUR WORK IS NOT DONE. We have moved to the recovery phase of our COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund (now called the COVID-19 Long-Term Recovery Fund). As we look ahead and work to mitigate the negative impact that COVID-19 is having on residents, we are finding the gaps of inequity widening for those who fall below poverty guidelines, those who lack adequate access to healthcare, communities of color and those with different abilities. These include:
We are ready for the challenges that lie ahead, AND WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US. Our five-year strategic plan includes our long-term recovery solutions to deploy resources to strengthen the region’s ability to prepare for, respond to and bridge the gaps of inequity in our system before the next crisis. We are calling on our partners, organizations, foundations, and individuals to join our efforts as we mobilize and make bold strides until we achieve equity for all regardless of race, gender, income, and ability. Learn more about our long term recovery phase and our work since March 2020.
For important FAQs about the United Way NCA COVID-19 Long-Term Recovery Fund and additional resources about the COVID-19 crisis click here.
To see the IMPACT of the Emergency Assistance Fund click here.